Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral
Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
Des Plaines, IL USA

Welcome to the parish website of the Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral, a Russian Orthodox church located in Des Plaines, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Our church is a prominent place of worship for all the Russian Orthodox who live in Chicago and has as its goal the preservation of the spiritual traditions and the treasure of church services of ancient Russian Orthodoxy.  We are glad you are visiting our site and would like to invite you to acquaint yourself with our church and parish by exploring other pages. We hope to see you in person in our church where you will be able to enjoy the iconographic art, hear the splendid singing of our choir and to share in the joy of our Divine Services.

Live Webcasts

(when available)


follow the link for LIVESTREAM


Online candles & commemorations

Candles can now be ordered online and will be placed according to your instructions at the next services.

Prosphora commemorations with names of your beloved may also be ordered "for the health of" and "for the repose" to be read at the next Divine Liturgy.

Please see our Russian site:



Cathedral Donations

Sisterhood Fund

Cathedral News


Orthodox Chicago

Upcoming Services
Wednesday, 29 August / 11 September
Beheading of the Forerunner
8:00 Liturgy
18:30 Vespers & Matins
Thursday, 30 August / 12 September
St Alexander Nevsky
8:00 Liturgy
Friday, 31 August / 13 September
Cincture of the Theotokos
18:30 Vespers and Matins
Saturday, 1 / 14 September
Church New Year
8:00 Liturgy
18:00 All-night Vigil
Sunday, 2 / 15 September
12th Sunday after Pentecost
9:00 Divine Liturgy
Monday, 3 / 16 September
18:00 Greeting of Hawaiian Icon of the Mother of God
18:30 Vespers & Matins
Tuesday, 4 / 17 September
8:00 Liturgy
18:30 Akafist before Hawaiian Icon of the Mother of God



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