On this page you will find several links to photo albums, recordings and articles regarding our multi-faceted parish life. You will find updates on services, pilgrimages, holidays and everyday events at the Holy Virgin Protection cathedral chronicalled on these pages. Please be our guest and look around!

Recordings of the Pontifical Choir:
Ispolla (female trio)
Cherubic Hymn (Sofronievskaya, P.G. Chesnokov)
Triumph of Orthodoxy (fragment of the service)
Blessed is the Man (P.G. Chesnokov, solo: Very Rev. Andrei Papkov,
Have Mercy on Us (A. A. Arkhangelsky)
My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord (Frunze, solo: Irina Mozyleva)
From the parish feast day, Protection of the Mother of God, October 2009
(cathedral pontifical choir and diocesan choir):
Lord, I Have Cried and stikhera
Stikhera on the Litya
Little Doxology
Praise Ye the Name of the Lord
From my Youth and Prokemenon
Vesting of the Bishop
Praise the Lord, O my Soul
Alleluia before the Gospel reading
Cherubic Hymn
It is Truly Meet
Magnification (solo: Kurt Sander)
My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord (solo: L. Sander)
Ispolla (female trio)
Cherubic Hymn (Sofronievskaya, P.G. Chesnokov)
Triumph of Orthodoxy (fragment of the service)
Blessed is the Man (P.G. Chesnokov, solo: Very Rev. Andrei Papkov,
Have Mercy on Us (A. A. Arkhangelsky)
My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord (Frunze, solo: Irina Mozyleva)
From the parish feast day, Protection of the Mother of God, October 2009
(cathedral pontifical choir and diocesan choir):
Lord, I Have Cried and stikhera
Stikhera on the Litya
Little Doxology
Praise Ye the Name of the Lord
From my Youth and Prokemenon
Vesting of the Bishop
Praise the Lord, O my Soul
Alleluia before the Gospel reading
Cherubic Hymn
It is Truly Meet
Magnification (solo: Kurt Sander)
My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord (solo: L. Sander)