photo gallery - 09/26/2009
On the eve of the feast day of the Elevation of the Holy and Life-giving Cross, the Vigil and Office of the Elevation of the Cross was served.
Before the start of the Vigil service, the cross was adorned with flowers and placed on the altar. During the singing of the Great Doxology, the cross was brought out from the altar and placed on the specially prepared stand in the middle of the church accompanied by the triumphal chanting of the troparion "O Lord, Save Thy People".
The office of the Elevation of the Cross was then served as Bishop Peter raised and lowered the cross to the accompaniment of a special "Lord have mercy" that was chanted 75 times each of five times.
At the end of the vigil service, upon going up to venerate the cross, the people received flowers that had been blessed by the water that was poured over the cross.
(36 images)