Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral
Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
Des Plaines, IL USA

A lottery to benefit the building fund has just been announced.  The prize - a trip to the Holy Land.

Tickets may be obtained by talking directly with Sergey Furmanov or by sending a check with the note "raffle" on it and your name, phone and address to:

Building Fund
PO Box 1367
Des Plaines, IL, 60017

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Friday, 15 / 28 February
18:30 Vespers and Matins
Saturday, 16 February / 1 March
Saturday of Ascetics
8:00 Liturgy
18:00 All-night Vigil
Sunday, 17 February / 2 March
Cheesefare Sunday
9:00 Divine Liturgy with Forgiveness Vespers
Monday, 18 February / 3 March
7:00 Matins, Hours and Vespers
18:30 Compline with Great Canon
Tuesday, 19 February / 4 March
7:00 Matins, Hours and Vespers
18:30 Compline with Great Canon


Cathedral Donations

Sisterhood Fund
