Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral
Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
Des Plaines, IL USA
HVAC Repairs

You might have noticed that in the month of January it has been rather cold in the cathedral.  It turns out that the heating system completely broke down and had to be replaced.  However, since it is an enormous system and sits under a structure which was supposed to be a bell tower, it was not an easy process.  Glory to God, on February 2nd, prior to installation, the unit was blessed by Father Valery and everything was successfully performed.  It is now once again warm and comfortable in church.

Fr. Valery blesses
Fr. Valery blesses
Fr. Valery blesses

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Parish Yolka
Sunday, 10 / 23 February
Meatfare Sunday
9:00 Divine Liturgy
Friday, 15 / 28 February
18:30 Vespers and Matins
Saturday, 16 February / 1 March
Saturday of Ascetics
8:00 Liturgy
18:00 All-night Vigil
Sunday, 17 February / 2 March
Cheesefare Sunday
9:00 Divine Liturgy with Forgiveness Vespers
Monday, 18 February / 3 March
7:00 Matins, Hours and Vespers
18:30 Compline with Great Canon


Cathedral Donations

Sisterhood Fund
