Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral
Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
Des Plaines, IL USA
Work Days

The Sisterhood encourages all parishioners to participate in cleaning of the Church in anticipation of Easter (Pasha).

Saturday working bees will begin after Liturgy, at approximately 11am, on the following dates:

  • April 2nd – cleaning of iconostas, icon stands, windows etc.
  • April 9th – preparation of willows
  • April 16th – (Akathist Saturday) – cleaning of candle stands
  • April 23rd (Lazarus Saturday) – preparation of kulichi for sale, clean up of Church, and preparation of Sisterhood lunch for Palm Sunday
  • April 30th (Holy Saturday, approximately 2pm) – clean up of Church after Liturgy, preparation of Pashka meal and hall clean up

For further information contact our Head Sister Olga Vlasova at (224)520-1596 or Luba Brueggemann at (224)520-1604.

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Cathedral Donations

Sisterhood Fund
