On January 29th, the tradiational Tatiana Day Ball took place. With the blessing of Bishop Peter, our parish hall itself became a sort of debutante in this annual celebration. Already in it's 44th year, the Tatiana Day Ball first took place in 1966. It was wonderful to see that the hall was completely full. Around 200 people took part and consisted not only of our parishioners but individuals from various parishes throughout our diocese.
The evening began with live accompaniment of classical music - tangos and waltzes. A big thanks goes to Marina Veiler and Yuri Orlov for their wonderful performance of classical duets which graced the hall and gave great variety to the evening. Close to midnight, pairs of dancers gathered close to the stage for the choosing of this year's Miss Tatiana.
The winner of this year's prestigious "Miss Tatiana 2010" title was taken by Maria Yakovleva. Accompanied by the thunderous ovation of guests and parents, the winner together with the other participants took to the floor in another dance. A big thank you to all the organizers and assistants in setting up this very successful ball. We hope that the Tatiana Day Ball will continue to take place within the walls of our parish center bringing together young people from various parishes, cities and states!