Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral
Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
Des Plaines, IL USA
Russian Winter Festival

On December 20th our parish sponsored its first "Russian Winter Festival" bake and collectilbles sale with over 20 vendors present, the proceeds of which were marked for the school building fund.

It was very pleasant to see such a large number of visitors, the variety of sale items including quite a bit of hand-made items - broaches, necklases, knitted items, painted flower pots, handpainted boards as well as unique collectibles.

There was also traditional Russian cuisine - a large assortment of piroshiki stuffed with cabbage, fish, meat and potato - pelmenni, sour cabbage, sweets, and of course, Russian tea direct from steaming samovars!
We also have to thank our pontifical choir for singing several Christmas carols and our guest bayanist - Zinovey, and his violinist daughter - Tatiana, for their wonderful festive muscial entertainment.
A very pleasant surprise was to receive His Grace, Bishop Longin, from the New Gracanica Serbian monastery at the event.  Vladika also joined in the meal and enjoyed the entertainment.
Finally, we would like to note that the conception and execution of this event took place essentially over the last month due to the tireless efforts of several of its organizers. Thank you to everyone!

Russian Winter Festival - 12/20/2009

(70 images)

Tuesday, 20 November / 3 December
18:30 Vigil
Wednesday, 21 November / 4 December
9:00 Liturgy
18:30 Akafist
Friday, 23 November / 6 December
18:30 Vespers and Matins
Saturday, 24 November / 7 December
Great-martyr Catherine
8:00 Liturgy
18:00 All-night Vigil
Sunday, 25 November / 8 December
24th Sunday after Pentecost
Apodosis of the Entry
9:00 Divine Liturgy


Cathedral Donations

Sisterhood Fund
