Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral
Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
Des Plaines, IL USA
Donations - 04/08/2020
Category: Cathedral News
Last updated: 2020-04-09 08:57:40

Many of us make purchases through Amazon, especially at this time.  Amazon has a program for not-for-profit organizations where Amazon donates a certain percentage of the value of the purchases to the organization of your choice.  Our Cathedral participates in this program. Please register for this program, and when you shop through smile.amazon.com, a percentage of the value of your purchases will be automatically donated to our Cathedral.  Just keep in mind, if you don't go through the website smile.amazon.com, your purchases do not count towards the donation.

This link will take you to their registration page:  https://smile.amazon.com/ch/23-7398528

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Friday, 15 / 28 February
18:30 Vespers and Matins
Saturday, 16 February / 1 March
Saturday of Ascetics
8:00 Liturgy
18:00 All-night Vigil
Sunday, 17 February / 2 March
Cheesefare Sunday
9:00 Divine Liturgy with Forgiveness Vespers
Monday, 18 February / 3 March
7:00 Matins, Hours and Vespers
18:30 Compline with Great Canon
Tuesday, 19 February / 4 March
7:00 Matins, Hours and Vespers
18:30 Compline with Great Canon


Cathedral Donations

Sisterhood Fund
