Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral
Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
Des Plaines, IL USA
Category: Cathedral News
43 results found.
Lenten Lectures on Liturgics - 03/06/2021

God willing, a series of lectures on Liturgics will be offered by Archbishop Peter during Great Lent on Saturdays (beginning March 20) following the Divine Liturgy and Panikhida service (starting approximately ~ 11 AM).  Come join us to dive into the riches and meaning of our liturgical traditions.  Please note, the lectures will be conducted mainly in Russian.

Donations - 04/08/2020

Many of us make purchases through Amazon, especially at this time.  Amazon has a program for not-for-profit organizations where Amazon donates a certain percentage of the value of the purchases to the organization of your choice.  Our Cathedral participates in this program. Please register for this program, and when you shop through smile.amazon.com, a percentage of the value of your purchases will be automatically donated to our Cathedral.  Just keep in mind, if you don't go through the website smile.amazon.com, your purchases do not count towards the donation.

This link will take you to their registration page:  https://smile.amazon.com/ch/23-7398528

Annual Parish Meeting - 02/20/2020

Due to unexpected circumstances the annual parish council meeting will be moved from March 15th to April 26th.  This allows for more time to register as parish members to have the right to vote at the meeting.

Parish Membership

All Orthodox Christians of both sexes, regardless of their nationality, who have reached the age of 21 years, who financially support the parish, who make their confession and take Holy Communion not less than once a year, and who tend to the moral and economic welfare of the parish may become parish members.  Being a member of the Parish, in good standing, allows you to vote at annual Parish meetings and to serve on the Parish Council.  As a tax-exempt organization, our status depends on maintaining and proving membership in the organization.  Membership involves only nominal annual dues.  Membership forms are available at the candle stand.  You need only meet the above requirements and complete a form to declare your membership in the parish.   If you are not Orthodox, but are interested in becoming an Orthodox Christian, please speak to one of the priests.

House Blessings - 01/20/2020

From Theophany to the beginning of Great Lent, it is possible to have your homes blessed with the water that was sanctified on the feast of Theophany.  Please sign up at the candle stand or talk with one of the clergy in advance.

St. Tatiana's Ball - 09/22/2019

ORPR announces its annual St. Tatiana's Day Ball the 24th of January 2020

For tickets, please see:

Thanks - 06/22/2019

Dear Brothers and Sisters!
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped with preparations for Pascha! During Great Lent we spent every Saturday cleaning and getting ready for the feast, baking a record number of kulichi - 1350, as well as over 3500 prosphora. Thank you to all those who donated items required for cleaning! We will continue to work for the glory of God!  May the Lord guard and keep you! 


Archbishop Alypy's 40th Day - 05/26/2019

On the day of ASCENSION OF OUR LORD, June 6th 2019 - it will be 40 days since Archbishop Alypy reposed. 

A panihida will be served at 7pm at the Cathedral.

Everyone is invited for the prayer, followed by a potluck. Please bring a favorite dessert/drink to share. 


Sale of kulichi (Easter bread) - 04/17/2019

The Sisterhood will begin kulich (Paschal bread) sales on Sunday, April 21, at the entrance to the cathedral. Kulichi can be purchased during services (see service schedule for details)

Great Lent Work Days - 03/25/2019

April 27th (Holy Saturday, approximately 2pm) - cleaning of the cathedral, preparation of Pascha meal
April 28th (Pascha) - cleaning of the cathedral (approximately 5am, and after Agape Vespers, at approximately 2pm)

Archbishop Alypy's health - 02/19/2019

As many of you already know, Vladika Alypy suffered a recent stroke.  Only speech was affected.  While his condition has improved quite a bit, his speech still is difficult.  He has already been discharged home from the hospital.  We thank you for your continued prayers.

New school year - 09/08/2018

Thanks be to God, on Saturday  September 8, the new academic year of the St Jonah parish school began, but this year in the newly completed building.  This has been a long-standing dream of the parish.  Finally the students are able to study the Law of God, Russian language and literature in appropriate conditions to the glory of God!

Labor Exchange - 08/22/2018

Dear Parishioners!  With the blessing of Archbishop Peter, we are forming a parish LABOR EXCHANGE - a type of database for those searching for employment and services. If you are looking for a job, a nanny, a housework assistant, selling a car, etc., or are looking to hire employees for your company, please contact Nadezhka Ivanovna Evmenenko  at  n.evmenenko@gmail.com

Should you find work or a worker through our Labor Exchange program, we kindly ask you to remember the cathedral through a donation to the Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral, earmarked “Labor Exchange.”

Bake sale - 08/22/2018

On the 19th of August, the feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord, a bake sale benefiting the Orthodox boarding school for girls in Bethany was held.  With your help, more than $800 was collected.  The proceeds will be given to the school via a Russian Orthodox philanthropic organization based in San Francisco.  Thank you for your generous support!

Food offerings - 08/20/2018

Due to increased ant activity this year, we ask that food not be left in any areas of the cathedral. This includes the entry to the church/vestibule, at the commemoration table, as well as all other areas in church. Please take home all food brought for commemoration services.

Pilgrimage - 04/23/2018

Announcing a pilgrimage to the Holy Land this spring led by Archbishop Peter.

For details, please see the diocesan website: http://chicagodiocese.org/news_180411_1.html


Summer Camp - 03/06/2018

The diocesean ORPR summer camp announces opening of registration fot he upcoming 2018 summer camp season.  More information including registration forms, can be found on the camp website:  www.orprcamp.org


Annual parish meeting - 02/26/2018

The annual parish meeting will take place on the 4th of March after the Divine Liturgy and is open to all members of the parish. Anyone who is a regular parishioner and who partakes of the Sacrament of Confession and Communion at least once a year and who has regard for the moral and financial well-being of the parish can become a member of the parish and have the right to vote at annual parish meetings.

Annual membership fees are very low. Since our cathedral is a tax-free organization, its status depends on the number of members in the parish.  Provided that you meet the above requirements, in order to become a member, you simply need to complete an application available at the candlestand.  If you have not yet been baptized, but want to enter the Russian Orthodox Church, you can personally speak with one of the clerics

Concert "The Vastness of Sadness" - 12/05/2017

On Sunday, November 19, the “Vastness of Sadness” Concert took place after the celebration of Divine Liturgy, commemorating the 100th anniversary of the tragic October revolution...


New Reader - 10/16/2017

On the patronal feast day of the cathedral, His Eminence Archbishop Peter tonsured Rostislav Gan to the rank of Reader.  We congratulate Reader Rostislav and wish him God's help in his service to the church.  Axios!

Winterfest Summary - 04/04/2017

The 8th annual Russian Winterfest took place on Meatfare Sunday, February 19th with blini, meat filled blinchiki, soups, tasting of homemade flavored vodkas as well as song and dance.  More than 500 people visited the festival this year bringing in a total net income of $7,749.76 !  We thank everyone who worked so hard to put this together and make it a success!

Congratulations to Fr. Valery - 02/20/2017

On Sunday February 19th, on the occasion of his 15th year of priesthood, Fr. Valery was elevated to the rank of protopresbyter by Archbishop Peter.  We wish him spiritual strength in his service to the church for the glory of God.  Axios!

Call for Winterfest Vendors - 12/16/2016

The date for 2017 Russian Winterfest (maslenitsa) is set for Feb 19, 2017.  Any vendors interested in applying for booths at this year's festival are invited to email Gordana at FaithNetOrth@aol.com

Russian Winterfest- Call for Volunteers - 12/04/2016

This year's Russian Winterfest is scheduled for Sunday February 19th on Meatfare Sunday.  Preparations are underway to make this the biggest and most successful festival so far. Volunteers in many capacities are needed.  If you would like to help, please contact Marina Orzhynska (312-342-4840) or Andrei Urtiew (925-698-4703).

Cathedral receives new icon - 10/31/2016

On Saturday October 29th the Cathedral was given an icon of the Mother of God (Znamenie) as a gift from Bishop Mstislav of Tikvin.

Archbishop Peter in the Ukraine - 10/30/2016

Oct 16-29, Archbishop Peter was in the Ukraine by invitation of Metropolitan Phillip of Poltava.

Patronal Feast Day - 10/15/2016

We congratulate all of the parishioners on the patronal feast day of the Protection of the Mother of God.

SSLM Festival Choir & Concert - 09/11/2016

With the blessing of His Grace Archbishop Peter, the Cathedral hosted the 25th anniversary celebrations of the Summer School of Liturgical Music (SSLM) over Labor Day weekend which included weekend Divine services as well as a concert of 20th century Russian sacred music.

Jubilee Festival Choir - 08/31/2016

In honor of the Summer School’s Silver Anniversary a jubilee festival choir made up of alumni and friends from all over the US will sing a concert featuring 20th century masterpieces of Russian sacred music.


presented by the Festival Choir of the Summer School of Liturgical Music at Holy Trinity Seminary

On Sunday September 4, 2016 at 5 PM

Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Cathedral -

5701 N. Redwood Drive Chicago IL 60631

Bishop Peter Elevated to Archbishop - 07/03/2016

At the Divine Liturgy commemorating the 50th anniversary of the blessed repose of the Holy Hierarch John of Shanghai & San Francisco on Saturday, July 2nd, His Grace Bishop Peter was commemorated for the first time as Archbishop and given the title of “Chicago & Mid-America”. It was decided earlier in the week, at a meeting of the Synod of Bishops, that due to health reasons, Archbishop Alypy would be granted retirement.

Opening of Diocesan Summer Camp ORPR - 07/03/2016

Rite of Orthodoxy - 03/23/2016

On the first Sunday of Great Lent following Divine Liturgy, a special service called the Rite of Orthodoxy is served in cathedrals to remind us of all of the dogmas of the Holy Church

Wedding - 03/07/2016

We congratulate our parishioner Alexander Melnichyk and our chanter Slavica Lazarevska on their wedding which took place at the Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco at the beginning of February.  We wish them health and happiness and many years!

Raffle Winner Selected - 02/15/2016

Monday February 15th on the feast of the Meeting of Our Lord following the Divine Liturgy, a winner was selected for the raffle benefitting the building fund of the School and Diocesan Center....

Russian Winter Festival Advertised in Chicago Tribune - 02/15/2016



HVAC Repairs - 02/03/2016

You might have noticed that in the month of January it has been rather cold in the cathedral.  It turns out that the heating system completely broke down and had to be replaced.

Parish Yolka - 01/09/2016

With 144 students this year, the parish yolka was divided into two peformances on Saturday and Sunday, January 9th and 10th. 

Caroling - 01/07/2016

On the feast of Nativity following Divine Liturgy, a group of young people brought cheer to elderly parishioners by visiting and singing carols...

Pastoral School - 01/04/2016

On Saturday, Jan 2nd the administrative heads of the diocesan Pastoral School assembled at the cathedral to celebrate the day of its heavenly intercessor, the well-known and loved Russian pastor, St. John of Kronstadt.

St Herman's Conference - 12/27/2015

On Sunday, Dec 27th a molieben was served for a group of youth and parents who will be traveling to the St Herman's Youth Conference in Dallas, Texas.  We wish them a safe journey and spiritual benefit.

Cathedral choir participates in concert - 12/07/2015

On Sunday, December 6th, the cathedral choir participated in a Pan-Orthodox concert

Cathedral featured in recent news report - 11/01/2015

Watch the recent news report regarding the crash of a Russian airliner, parts of which were filmed in our cathedral...

Vladika Alypy Hospitalized - 10/08/2015

On October 7, 2015 Vladika Alypywas taken to the hospital for suddenly developing problems with low blood pressure where it was found that he had suffered a pulmonary embolism (clot in the lungs). He was initially in the intensive care unit for 2 days and has now been transferred to a regular room.  His condition at present appears to be stable.

Website Redesigned - 09/15/2015

The Holy Virgin Protection Cathedral is pleased to unveil its newly redesigned website!

Sunday, 10 / 23 February
Meatfare Sunday
9:00 Divine Liturgy
Friday, 15 / 28 February
18:30 Vespers and Matins
Saturday, 16 February / 1 March
Saturday of Ascetics
8:00 Liturgy
18:00 All-night Vigil
Sunday, 17 February / 2 March
Cheesefare Sunday
9:00 Divine Liturgy with Forgiveness Vespers
Monday, 18 February / 3 March
7:00 Matins, Hours and Vespers
18:30 Compline with Great Canon


Cathedral Donations

Sisterhood Fund
